Tag: Performance-based financing

Performance-Based Financing, Basic Packages of Health Services and User-Fee Exemption Mechanisms: An Analysis of Health-Financing Policy Integration in Three Fragile and Conflict-Affected Settings

Research looking at whether and how performance-based financing is integrated with national financing strategies, especially in fragile and conflict-affected settings

Results-based financing as a strategic purchasing intervention: some progress but much further to go in Zimbabwe?

Research which empirically and systematically examines how results-based financing impacts on health care purchasing in Zimbabwe

Political economy approaches to explore PBF’s adoption, adaption and implementation in fragile settings

Presentation given by Maria Bertone at the International Health Economics Association congress in Basel July 2019

Videos – performance-based financing presentations from HSR 2018

Three presentations on performance-based financing filmed during the 2018 Fifth Global Symposium on Health Systems Research

Video – ‘The bumpy trajectory of performance-based financing for healthcare in Sierra Leone’

Dr Maria Bertone speaks about performance-based financing for healthcare in Sierra Leone

Video on health financing in fragile and conflict-affected states

Professor Sophie Witter speaks about health financing in fragile and conflict-affected states

Video introduction to performance-based financing

Professor Sophie Witter speaks about performance-based financing as a way to build strategic purchasing in fragile and conflict-affected states.

ReBUILD cross cutting and synthesis non peer-reviewed outputs

Summary of ReBUILD’s cross cutting and synthesis non peer-reviewed outputs, eg videos, briefs, infographics etc

Health systems during and after crisis: evidence for better policy and practice

This series of ReBUILD briefing papers addresses some key questions related to health systems strengthening in settings affected by conflict or crisis.

Webinar – Performance-based financing in fragile and conflict-affected settings: from research to practice

Recording of a webinar on the impact of PBF research on practice in fragile and conflict-affected settings

Performance-based financing as a way to build strategic purchasing in fragile and conflict affected settings: potential and pitfalls

Presentation given by Sophie Witter at a Satellite Session on “Payment for Performance, how, why, where and what?”, at the Fifth Global Symposium on Health Systems Research in Liverpool, on 9th October 2018.

The bumpy trajectory of performance-based financing for healthcare in Sierra Leone

A ReBUILD paper on the development of performance-based financing for healthcare in Sierra Leone

The bumpy trajectory of performance-based financing in Sierra Leone: agency, structure and frames shaping the policy process

Presentation given by Maria Paula Bertone at the 5th Global Symposium on Health Systems Reseach in Liverpool on Wednesday 10th October 2018.

Investigating results-based financing as a tool for strategic purchasing: comparing the cases of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Zimbabwe and Uganda

Presentation given by Maria Paula Bertone at a Satellite session of the 5th Global Symposium on Health Systems Reseach, on “Payment for Performance, how, why, where and what? Learning from research across income settings. Tuesday 9th October 2018.

Performance-based financing in fragile and conflict-affected settings – a summary

This brief presents key messages from and a summary of ReBUILD’s research into performance-based financing

Performance-based financing video

Video of Maria Bertone of ReBUILD speaking on the consortium’s work on performance-based financing in fragile and post-conflict states

The political economy of results-based financing: the experience of the health system in Zimbabwe

Poster presented at the Fifth Global Symposium on Health Systems Research in Liverpool in October 2018 on the political economy of results-based financing

Health Systems in Situations of Fragility

Presentation given by Professor Sophie Witter on 17th May 2018 for the American University of Beirut Global Health Institute’s Webinar series: “Global Health and Conflict”. This webinar theme: Health Systems in Situations of Fragility.

Performance-based financing in three humanitarian settings: principles and pragmatism

A paper from ReBUILD’s study exploring how performance-based financing emerged and was adapted in three humanitarian settings.

Context matters (but how and why?) A hypothesis-led literature review of performance based financing in fragile and conflict-affected health systems

Literature review from ReBUILD by on how context affects performance-based health financing in fragile and conflict-affected settings.

Resources from ReBUILD’s work on health financing in conflict-affected and post-conflict settings

Health financing in conflict-affected and post-conflict settings: Resources from ReBUILD’s work

Outputs from the project Health Workers’ Remuneration, Incentives and Accountability in Sierra Leone

This page lists all outputs from the project Health Workers’ Remuneration, Incentives and Accountability in Sierra Leone

Resources from ReBUILD’s work on health worker incentives in Sierra Leone, and on health worker experiences during the Ebola outbreak

Details of all outputs from ReBUILD’s work on health worker incentives and remuneration in Sierra Leone, and on health worker experiences during the Ebola outbreak.

Resources from ReBUILD’s work on health worker incentives and deployment in post-conflict and post-crisis settings

This document includes details of all outputs from ReBUILD’s work on human resources for health in post-conflict and post-crisis settings.

Performance-based financing in the context of the complex remuneration of health workers: findings from a mixed-method study in rural Sierra Leone

The study investigates the absolute and relative contribution of performance-based financing (PBF) to health workers’ income and explores their views on PBF bonuses, in comparison to and interaction with other incomes. The study confirms the complex and interrelated nature of health workers’ remuneration and that the different financial incentives cannot be examined independently from one. It also shows that the way PBF schemes are implemented has an impact on health worker motivation.

Performance-Based Financing in the context of the ‘complex remuneration’ of Health Workers – Findings from a mixed-methods study in rural Sierra Leone

Presentation by ReBUILD Affiliate researcher Maria Paola Bertone given at the International Health Economics Association Congress in Milan 15th July 2015