Health systems during and after crisis: evidence for better policy and practice
This series of ReBUILD briefing papers addresses key questions on health systems strengthening in settings affected by conflict or crisis. The purpose of these briefing papers was to bring together current knowledge and research in order to inform decision-makers, implementers, researchers and other stakeholders in this area.
The questions addressed in the series were identified through a study of priority research needs carried out by the Thematic Working Group on Health Systems in Fragile and Conflict-Affected States. ReBUILD researchers drew on both the programme’s own research and on wider published literature to address eight of the questions through this series of briefing papers.
Please download and share these briefs via the links below. We welcome feedback on these briefing papers, and on other key areas for which evidence is needed to support health systems policy and practice in settings affected by conflict or crisis. Please contact Sophie Witter.
NB French versions of these briefs are available here.
Resilience of health systems during & after crisis
Inclusive health systems in crisis-affected settings
Political economy of crisis-affected settings
State-building & health systems during & after crisis
Sustainability of health systems during & after crisis
Research capacity in crisis-affected settings
Responding to humanitarian crises
PBF in fragile & conflict-affected settings
Establishing a responsive & equitable health workforce after conflict & crisis
Full brief titles and links:
2. Developing inclusive health systems in crisis-affected settings
3. How to move towards universal health coverage in crisis-affected settings: lessons from research
6. Do health systems contribute to reduced fragility and state-building during and after crises?
7. Sustainability of health systems in crisis-affected settings: lessons for practice
8. Developing health system research capacity in crisis-affected settings: why and how?
This resource was produced by the ReBUILD programme – the precursor of ReBUILD for Resilience.