Category: 2020

Principles of Health Systems Resilience in the Context of COVID-19 Response

A research brief which outlines the key principles for promoting resilient health systems in the face of the challenge of Covid-19

Health financing policy in fragile & conflict-affected situations

These two papers, produced for the World Health Organization, look at health financing policy in fragile and conflict-affected settings – Health financing policy and implementation in fragile and conflict-affected settings and Health financing policy in fragile & conflict-affected situations

Performance-Based Financing, Basic Packages of Health Services and User-Fee Exemption Mechanisms: An Analysis of Health-Financing Policy Integration in Three Fragile and Conflict-Affected Settings

Research looking at whether and how performance-based financing is integrated with national financing strategies, especially in fragile and conflict-affected settings

Results-based financing as a strategic purchasing intervention: some progress but much further to go in Zimbabwe?

Research which empirically and systematically examines how results-based financing impacts on health care purchasing in Zimbabwe

The Impact of Leaving Camps on Well‐being of Internally Displaced Persons in Northern Uganda

Paper that explores the estimated changes in internally displaced persons’ well‐being having left transit camps in 2006 following armed conflict in Northern Uganda.