Image Credit Left – Peter Biro IRC


ReBUILD, gender and intersectionality

Gender was a core cross-cutting theme throughout ReBUILD’s work, and efforts were made to mainstream gender equity considerations in all ReBUILD research. However, there were also two core ReBUILD-supported initiatives which focused specifically on gender.

Building Back Better

ReBUILD’s work exploring the opportunities and challenges for building gender responsive health systems in settings affected by crisis was brought together into a standalone website –Building Back Better.


Building Back Better condenses the main findings from the research carried out by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute working group on gender, the ReBUILD Consortium, and Research in Gender and Ethics: Building stronger health systems (RinGs – see below). The resources include:



The work was undertaken by partners from Norman Paterson School of International Affairs, Canada; London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK; Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, UK; Makerere University, Uganda; Biomedical Research and Training Institute, Zimbabwe; College of Medicine and Health Science, University of Sierra Leone, and Cambodia Development Resource Institute.

Research in Gender and Ethics: Building stronger health systems (RinGs)

ReBUILD was one of four health systems-focused Research Programme Consortia that formed the RinGs Partnership on Gender, Ethics and Health Systems (the others were Future Health Systems, RESYST and COMDIS


The partnership worked to galvanise gender and ethics analysis in health systems research and strengthening, focusing on three main areas:


  • synthesising research on gender, ethics and health systems,
  • coordinating research projects through a small grants programme, and
  • creating a learning platform to encourage learning and the use of evidence which you can explore here.


ReBUILD’s work in RinGs involved Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, UK, Makerere University, Uganda and Cambodia Development Resource Institute.


Research products

ReBUILD’s resources relating to gender and intersectionality are here.

There’s more on the backgrounds to and outputs from each of ReBUILD’s research themes here:

"ReBUILD for Resilience brings together partners to share experiences, to discuss our contexts, and to create an appropriate model that helps build resilience in health systems across the country and beyond"

Sushil Baral, HERD International