ReBUILD research consortium

The outputs from this programme are all available in the resources section of this site.


Between 2011 and 2019 the ReBUILD international research partnership addressed the previously neglected area of health systems research in fragile and conflict-affected settings (FCAS). It was funded by the UK’s Department for International Development (now the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office).


Through research and support for evidence-based policy and practice, the consortium aimed to help some of the world’s poorest and most vulnerable people access effective health care and reduce the burden of health-related costs.


ReBUILD’s 2011-16 research predominantly focused on the post-conflict settings of Cambodia, Sierra Leone, Uganda and Zimbabwe. The scope of this work expanded thematically and geographically through the work of affiliate partners and in 2017-19 with the inclusion of a number of other conflict-affected settings – Liberia, Sri Lanka, Cote d’Ivoire, northern Nigeria, Gaza, Democratic Republic of Congo, Timor Leste, South Africa and Central African Republic.

Initial themes

ReBUILD initially identified three cross-cutting and interlinked themes which were explored throughout the programme and in a series of briefing papers (outlined in this infographic):



ReBUILD’s successes

ReBUILD established itself as a leading source of expertise in health systems research in these settings. Working with research collaborators, policy makers, international and local organisations, and networks, the consortium produced an extensive body of high quality, policy-relevant research, and supported its use in policy and practice.


You can explore that research in our resources section.

The team also successfully built capacity at individual and organisational levels and helped inform the activities of a wide range of national and international actors.


There’s more on the backgrounds to and outputs from each of ReBUILD’s research themes here:

"ReBUILD for Resilience builds upon gains from ReBUILD, in supporting the health systems strengthening process in Sierra Leone, by providing much-needed evidence in support of the research into action process, and working concertedly with relevant stakeholders to co-create sustainable, gender sensitive and inclusive impact."

Haja Ramatulai Wurie, College of Medicine and Allied Health Sciences