Resources from ReBUILD’s research on gender in post-conflict health systems

Below are details of all outputs from ReBUILD’s work on gender and post-conflict health systems.

Gender analysis has been a core theme running through all ReBUILD’s research, but has also been a focus area of research in its own right. An overview with links to more detailed descriptions is given below.

For further information on ReBUILD’s gender-related research, contact Sally Theobald or

Research overview and resources:

  • Empirical research on the opportunities and constraints for building gender responsive health systems in post-conflict contexts: ReBUILD’s collaborative work to explore the opportunities and challenges for building gender responsive health systems in post conflict contexts was developed into the ‘Building Back Better‘ e-resource – a set of policy briefs, country case studies, academic papers and other materials which outline the particular problems and challenges and some ways forward and opportunities to better address gender in these contexts.

Key peer-reviewed outputs from this work:

 Building Back Better briefing papers:

Building Back Better country case studies:

Much of this learning contributed to a collaboratively produced open access, online learning resource, developed with the European Commission’s DEVCO B4 health team to help improve the considerations of gender in health systems strengthening work.

ReBUILD was also a core partner in the RinGs Initiative – Research in Gender and Ethics: Building stronger health systems to galvanise gender and ethics analysis in health systems research and strengthening. RinGs focused on: conducting and synthesising research on gender, ethics and health systems; coordinating research projects through a small grants programme; developing a range of outputs and supporting a learning platform to encourage mutual learning and the use of evidence. ReBUILD partnership ensured that many of the processes and outputs included a focus on fragility. Key outputs included a special issue in Health Policy and Planning on Leaving no one behind: the role of gender analysis in strengthening health systems.

Gender and human resources for health

A number of journal articles and working papers were produced on ReBUILD’s work on human resources for health in conflict/crisis-affected settings addressed gender issues: