Tag: Psychosocial health

A summary of ReBUILD’s research themes, projects and related outputs

A summary document giving an overview of the projects and research themes which have made up ReBUILD’s work.

ReBUILD cross cutting and synthesis non peer-reviewed outputs

Summary of ReBUILD’s cross cutting and synthesis non peer-reviewed outputs, eg videos, briefs, infographics etc

Psychosocial support for adolescent girls in post-conflict settings: beyond a health systems approach

ReBUILD research paper focusing on the importance of psychosocial support services for adolescent girls in fragile contexts

Synthesis report research tools – Rebuilding adolescent girls lives: mental health and psychosocial support in conflict-affected Gaza Liberia and Sri Lanka

This output details the data collection instruments relating to the ReBUILD synthesis report with the same title

Rebuilding adolescent girls’ lives: mental health and psychosocial support in conflict-affected Gaza, Liberia and Sri Lanka

A 2015 synthesis report from the ReBUILD study on psychosocial support and service provision for adolescent girls in post-conflict settings

The fallout of rape as a weapon of war

2014 ReBUILD report on emerging research findings on patterns & consequences of sexual violence in post-conflict settings, from communities in Liberia.

Key health and conflict related indicators in Liberia and Sri Lanka: background report

ReBUILD report from 2015 on the broader impact of conflicts on health & health service provision for adolescent girls in Liberia & Sri Lanka.

Mental health and psychosocial service provision for adolescent girls in post-conflict settings

Literature review on methodologies & understanding mental health & psychosocial services for adolescent girls in post-conflict settings

Adolescent psychosocial wellbeing in the post conflict context of Sri Lanka – Summary country report: stage 1

Phase 1 report of a 2015 ReBUILD study of post conflict mental & psychosocial health problems experienced by adolescent girls in Sri Lanka.

Mental health and psychosocial support service provision for adolescent girls in post-conflict settings, a culturally sensitive response

Report of 2nd stage of a 2015 ReBUILD study of mental & psychosocial problems & health sevices for adolescent girls in post conflict Sri Lanka.

Failing Adolescents: Social Control, Political Economy & Human Development in post-war Sri Lanka

In post-war societies adolescents occupy liminal spaces and present a particular challenge for post-war communities as well as service providers. This paper draws on a study from two war-affected villages in Sri Lanka, examining the multi-faceted challenges that adolescents face in communities attempting to retain and redefine boundaries, identities, and social and moral regulation in a post-war context.