Health system strengthening – what is it, how should we assess it, and does it work?
Resource Type: Audio visual
Year: 2019
Presentation (video and slides) given by Professor Sophie Witter on a report on health systems strengthening
Political economy approaches to explore PBF’s adoption, adaption and implementation in fragile settings
Resource Type: Presentations
Year: 2019
Presentation given by Maria Bertone at the International Health Economics Association congress in Basel July 2019
Flexibility of deployment: challenges and policy options for retaining health workers during crisis in Zimbabwe
Resource Type: Peer-reviewed papers
Year: 2019
ReBUILD study looking at the implementation of health worker deployment policies in Zimbabwe before, during and after the 1997-2008 crisis
Health financing in fragile and conflict-affected settings: What do we know, seven years on?
Resource Type: Peer-reviewed papers
Year: 2019
Paper from ReBUILD looking at literature on health systems financing in fragile and conflict-affected settings and how it has changed in 2012-19
“Posting policies don’t change because there is peace or war”
Resource Type: Peer-reviewed papers
Year: 2019
Paper by ReBUILD looking at how deployment policies and practices were adapted during the conflict and post-conflict periods in Acholi region, Uganda
Establishing a responsive & equitable health workforce post-conflict & post-crisis: lessons from ReBUILD research
Resource Type: Briefs
Year: 2019
Human resources for health is the most expensive, complex and critical health system pillar, and one with more political ramifications – it is crucial to learn lessons about how to rebuild it effectively post-conflict. This brief highlights some of the main findings on HRH and recommendations from ReBUILD’s research.
(How) does RBF strengthen strategic purchasing of health care? Comparing the experience of Uganda, Zimbabwe and the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Resource Type: Peer-reviewed papers
Year: 2019
Results-Based Financing has proliferated in health sectors of low and middle income countries, especially fragile and conflict-affected ones, and has been presented as a way of reforming and strengthening strategic purchasing. However, few studies have empirically examined how RBF impacts on health care purchasing in these settings. This article examines the effects of several RBF programmes on health care purchasing functions
the past decade.
Les systèmes de santé après un conflit – éléments probants en faveur de meilleures politiques et pratiques
Resource Type: Briefs
Year: 2019
Ces documents de synthèse décrivent les thèmes principaux issus des recherches de ReBUILD, ainsi qu’un aperçu du programme et de son large éventail de projets de recherche jusqu’en 2016.
Videos – performance-based financing presentations from HSR 2018
Resource Type: Audio visual
Year: 2018
Three presentations on performance-based financing filmed during the 2018 Fifth Global Symposium on Health Systems Research
A summary of ReBUILD’s research themes, projects and related outputs
Resource Type: Briefs
Year: 2019
A summary document giving an overview of the projects and research themes which have made up ReBUILD’s work.