Understanding deployment policies and systems for staffing rural areas in Northern Uganda during and after the conflict: synthesis report
Ayiasi, R.M., Rutebemberwa, E. and Martineau, T. 2017 Understanding deployment policies and systems for staffing rural areas in Northern Uganda during and after the conflict: Synthesis report ReBUILD RPC Working Paper No. 25
This Working Paper reports on ReBUILD’s research into deployment systems for health workers in remote and rural areas in Uganda.
The general objective of the whole study was to identify ways to improve the deployment systems to rural areas used by large employers of health personnel, in conflict and post-conflict contexts.
Specific objectives for this work in Uganda were:
- To describe the current deployment policy and systems and how and why they have changed over time since the emergence from conflict.
- To assess the impact of the key changes in deployment policy and systems on the staffing of rural areas.
- To identify useful lessons for policy-makers concerned with contemporary deployment issues throughout Uganda, as well as for an international audience interested in conflict/post-conflict contexts.
The report describes the findings from this study, and makes a number of recommendations relevant for managers in northern Uganda, policy-makers and managers responsible for deployment throughout Uganda, and policy-makers and managers in other countries that are emerging from conflict or crisis
You can access the full Working Paper here.
This resource was produced by the ReBUILD programme – the precursor of ReBUILD for Resilience.